Programming lessons

What is the dyCalendarJS?

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What is the dyCalendarJS?
dyCalendarJS is a JavaScript library for creating Calendar that can be include in any blog or
website. In few simple steps, you will be able to develop a nice and accessible calendar for your
blog or website. So, stay tune and continue reading!
Step 1:
Import the stylesheet
Import the stylesheet “dycalendar.css” or the minified version “dycalendar.min.css” in the file
where you want to use the calendar.
Example : OR Step 2
Import the JS file
Next, you have to import the JS file in the file where you want to use the calendar. There are two
types of JS file available. One is the plain JavaScript version dycalendar.min.js and the other one
uses jQuery dycalendar-jquery.min.js.
Using plain JavaScript version:
To use the plain JavaScript version, import dycalendar.js file using the script tag in the file where
you want to use the calendar. (Preferred: At the end of the body tag.) like the following:
To use the minified version, import dycalender.min.js file like the following :

Using the jQuery version:
In order to use the jQuery version of dyCalendarJS you have to first include the jQuery file and
then dycalendar-jquery.min.js file.
Using the unminified version :

Using the minified version:

Step 3 :
Creating a calendar
First we have to create a

container which will hold the calendar.
Example :

Today calendar (default skin)

Note! the div having id=”dycalendar-today” has a class dycalendar-container. This is the container
for the dyCalendar and a calendar will be drawn inside this div. We also can add the class that
satisfy the skin and shadow for the calendar. We will cover that in later steps.
Step 4 :
Draw the calendar
To create a calendar use the draw() method of dycalendar. The draw method takes an object
consisting of configurations for the calendar. We have to create an object in the tags of the file where our calendar will be. To actually draw the calendar according to
our wish, we have to pass all the necessary and optional parameters when we create an object. The
example below show you how to do it.
In the following example we will create a “Day-Calendar” by setting up the following
target : “dycalendar-today”
To create the month view calendar, we have to set the type configuration to month when we create
the object like the following example.
target : “dycalendar-today”,
type : “month”
Please note that the type configuration have the default value. If we don’t set the type
configuration, the default value is “day” which will create a day view calendar. There are several
parameters that you have to pass when you create an object. The table below show list of the
parameters that you can pass when create your object.
Following are the list of parameters that can be passed :Name Type Default
Description Example
String Nun Hold the id of the container
where the calendar will be
(Use the # symbol
for id).
String “day” Type of the calendar being
Possible values: “day”,
Type : “month”
Integer Current
If set, will look for the
specified month. Possible
0 = January
1 = February
11 = December
Month : 0
Integer Current
If set, will look for the
specified year.
Year : 1990
Year : 1900 to 9999
Integer Current
If set, will look for the
specified date. Possible
values: 1-31
Date : 21
String “full” Whether to display the full
name of the month or in
short form. Possible values:
“mmm” = short form
“full” = complete name
If monthformat =
“full” then output is
If monthformat =
“mmm” then output
is “Oct”.
String “full” Whether to display the full
name of the day or in short
form. Possible values:
“ddd” = short form
“full” = complete name
If dayformat = “full”
then output is
If dayformat = “ddd”
then output is “Sun”.
Boolean False If set to true will highlight
the today’s date. Possible
True, false
highlighttoday : true
Boolean False If set to true will highlight
the specified date.
Possible values:
True, false
highlighttargetdate :
String “hide” If set to “show” will show
the prev and next symbol
and allow the user to move
to previous and next month
and jump back to the
current month. Possible
values: “show”, “hide”
Prevnextbutton :
“show”Step 5 :
Use the CSS to style the calendar
Round Edge
To create round edge calendar use the class .round-edge.
Example :

Following are the list of available round-edge options. :
Name Class
Default .round-edge
After we have the container div we can apply different skins by putting the class .skin-{name}.
Example :

Following are the list of available skins options.
Name Class
Black .skin-black
Blue .skin-blue
Green .skin-green
Purple .skin-purple
Red .skin-red
Spacegray .skin-spacegraySkin Gradient
After applying different skins we can add the class .gradient to create background color gradient.
Example :

Following are the list of available skins options.
Name Class
Default .gradient
Black .skin-black .gradient
Blue .skin-blue .gradient
Green .skin-green .gradient
Purple .skin-purple .gradient
Red .skin-red .gradient
Spacegray .skin-spacegray .gradient
We can add shadow to the calendar using the class .shadow-{option}.
Example :

Following are the list of available shadow options.
Name Class
Default .shadow-default
Black .shadow-black
Blue .shadow-blue
Green .shadow-green
Purple .shadow-purple
Red .shadow-red
Spacegray .shadow-spacegrayThanks for read this documentation and thanks for using this program. If you have any question, feel
free to contact me or the original developer of this program, Mr. Yusuf Shakeel by sending an E-mail
message to or visit his website at If you
wish to read the original documentation of this program, feel free to visit this page.
Please keep in mind that this is an open source project. So, feel free to use it in whatever way you like
and feel free to modified it according to your needs if you wish to do so.
Good luck and happy coding!

Download dycalendarjs-1.1.1 from
visit blindhelp from here!

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