Linux system TTUtilities

How to Install and Set Up TTUtilities

How to Install and Set Up TTUtilities on $user

Author: Owen Macasu and Roel Cabante

Created on: October 28, 2024

Install these two packages: pip3 and unzip.

sudo apt install python3-pip
sudo apt install unzip

The user example for this tutorial is: bot.

  1. Log in to your terminal with sudo or root privileges.
  2. Create a user for another instance of this bot by typing:
    adduser bot
  3. Add the user bot to the sudo group by typing:
    usermod -aG sudo bot
  4. Add the user bot to the systemd profile by typing:
    loginctl enable-linger bot
  5. Log in now as the user you created (for example, bot).
  6. Download TTUtilities by typing this command:
  7. Extract the downloaded file:
  8. Change to the extracted directory by running:
    cd TTUtilities-linux
  9. Set up a virtual environment by running this command:
    python3 -m venv venv
  10. Activate the virtual environment by running:
    source venv/bin/activate
  11. Install the bot’s requirements by running:
    pip3 install -r requirements.txt --upgrade
  12. Make executable by running:
    chmod +x
  13. Run to complete the bot configuration.
  14. Run the bot after installing all requirements. Do not close the terminal. You should search for a video to allow the bot to log in to your account. Use the command /p. This will not play anything on the first run; instead, you’ll see “yt-dlp” prompting you to go to the following link to add a new device: You should also see a code that you need to enter in your browser to complete the sign-in.
  15. Close the terminal and log in again using the username you created (for example, bot).
  16. Go to the .config folder by typing:
    cd ~/.config/
  17. Make a directory for systemd/user by typing:
    mkdir -p systemd/user/
  18. Using any SFTP client like FileZilla, upload pulseaudio.service and pulseaudio.socket.
  19. Create a new file by typing:
    nano .config/systemd/user/TTUtilities.service
  20. The service file should look like this. Edit it based on your preferences, but this time the username is bot:
    Description=TTUtilities bot for TeamTalk
    ExecStart=/home/bot/linux/venv/bin/python /home/bot/linux/
  21. Enable and start the bot by running these two commands separately:
    systemctl --user enable TTUtilities.service
    systemctl --user start TTUtilities.service

That’s all! Enjoy!

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