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how can you install teamtalk server on debian 9

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installing teamtalk server on debian 9
We will explain to you how to install teamtalk chat system on debian 9 server
You must create a new username with the name tt with this command
adduser tt
Then we create a folder called tt5 with this command inside the home / tt folder
mkdir / home / tt / tt5
Then we will download the latest version of teamtalk with this command and put it inside the home / tt folder
cd / home / tt
Then We will unzip the compressed file with these commands:
gunzip teamtalk * .tgz
tar xf teamtalk * .tar
Then We will go to the folder path disassembled by this matter
cd /home/tt/teamtalk-v5.5-debian9-x86_64
Make sure you are in the file
We will move the server file into the tt5 folder with this command:
mv server / * / home / tt / tt5
We will Go back
cd ..
We will delete the compressed and unzipped folder we do not need them
rm -rf teamtalk *
rm -rf teamtalk *
We will return to the tt5 folder with this command
cd / home / tt / tt5
And we give the necessary files to these orders:
chown tt tt5srv
chown -R tt / home / tt
We will move the boot files to their correct place with these commands:
mv init.d / tt5server /etc/init.d
We will give the permit
chmod + x /etc/init.d/tt5server
To install the server, set this command
./tt5srv -wizard
Continue with the options very easy
In case you need more explanation, you can reply:
We will follow up with the command line
We will give permission to the resulting xml file with this command:
chown tt tt5srv.xml
su -c “/ home / tt / tt5 / tt5srv -d” tt
We will move the tt5srv.service autoplay file to its correct location
mv systemd / tt5server.service / etc / systemd / system
We will allow the teamtalk system to start automatically when the server is restarted with this command
systemctl enable tt5server
And we will run the server
systemctl start tt5server
Note that you will encounter problems so that teamtalk does not start with startup

download the file
from here

So we have modified the tt5srv.service file, , go to the next track, upload the file and replace it
/ etc / systemd / system
Restart the server or type this command
systemctl restart tt5server
Congratulations, youre teamtalk system on debian 9 is redy to use
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